Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's Laundry Day!

Tuesdays are my official laundry day.  It’s the day I get up, gather all of the clothes that have been gathering on the floor of the bedroom and bathroom, shove them in a large bag, stuff that bag onto the front seat of my car, and drive the 35 minutes to my parents to use their washer and dryer.  Oh sure, I could use the washer and dryer that’s at my apartment building, but then I’d pay $2 per load, and also the laundry room is in the basement of the building and it’s creepy and got bugs.

this is not the laundry room in my apartment, it needs more bugs

Besides, it’s fun to go over to my parents every week.  In fact, I’ve been going over there more frequently to use their elliptical machine as well as just to hang out with mom.  I know she misses her daughters (I’m the oldest of three girls), so this is just a way for her to get to see at least one of us regularly.  My dad doesn’t say it out loud as often, but I know he enjoys my visits, too, and I always feel bad if I have to leave before he gets home from work.


You know what’s funny?  As a PA resident, I drive by all of these tents that sell all types of fireworks.  From sparklers, to the giant rockets that are probably illegal (and that they hide when police officers come by), most of these little tents have a variety that would make even the most docile children giggle in delight with the thought of setting off a firework that’s as big as they are.  I can’t buy any of them.

Well, I lie.  I can buy sparklers, and some of the small fireworks that stay on the ground.  Those aren’t regulated like the other fireworks are.  The big fireworks…the ones everyone really want to play with on Fourth of July, I would need a displayed permit to light any of those. 

But Officer, those fireworks weren't mine, I SWEAR!

Oh I know the state says that these tents can’t sell anything that isn’t permissible to use, but really…has anyone ever gone in one of those tents? There are fireworks that would not be considered “novelty” or “sparklers” and they would be more than willing to sell them to anyone who shows valid non-PA ID.


Speaking of Fourth of July, though, I know I will be celebrating it with the soon-to-be mother-in-law.  For such a small woman, she is a fierce cook!  She is Philippino, and tends to cook as if she’s making food for an entire village, even though it’s just four people.  I’ll try to get a snapshot of what she makes, but no guarantees.  Her food goes fast, lol!
Food Diary for 7/1/13:

1 Dannon Light & Fit Greek Strawberry-80 calories
2.5 oz Chicken Breast-80 calories
1 cup Rice-a-Roni Rice Pilaf-310 calories
4oz Hatfield Pork Tenderloin-120 calories
½ cup streamfresh brocolli with cheese-46 calories
1 Multi-grain sandwich thin-100 calories
4 slices oscar mayer honey ham-60 calories
4.5 oz chicken breast-144 calories
1 Triple Chocolate Ice Cream Bar-110 calories
1 Weight watchers Ice Cream Candy Bar-140 calories
total calories:1190

I did not exercise, so there are no exercise points to subtract
Music Addition

 Today's music addition is My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light It Up) by Fallout Boy

While I do like this song while I walk, I actually find this song would probably be best used for weight lifting, or something like that.  It has a good beat, but the music really lends itself to working hard, then pushing yourself harder for the last minute or so.  Enjoy!

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